Intellectual Property Advisory Group (IPAG)

The Intellectual Property Advisory Group (IPAG) is responsible to the Research & Innovation Committee for advising on the development of University policy around the management and exploitation of intellectual property.

IPAG meets on average three times per year. Its membership includes senior academics from the University of Oxford, senior members of Research Services and Legal Services, and representatives from Oxford University Innovation. IPAG is serviced jointly by Research Services and Oxford University Innovation.

Meeting dates

Term Time Date Deadline for papers
Michaelmas 2024 12.30pm–2.30pm Thursday 5 December 2024 noon, Thursday 28  November 2024
Hilary 2025 2pm–4pm Thursday 27 February 2025 noon, Thursday 20 February 2025
Trinity 2025 2pm–4pm Tuesday 13 May 2025 noon, Tuesday 6 May 2025



The Intellectual Property Advisory Group shall be responsible to the Research & Innovation Committee for the following matters, and shall report to the Research & Innovation Committee, making recommendations as appropriate:

(a) the provision of advice on general policy issues pertaining to the management and exploitation of the University’s intellectual property;

(b) the provision of advice on the University’s Intellectual Property Policy, its implementation and disputes arising in respect of these matters;

(c) the consideration and resolution of disputes, or their referral as appropriate to the Research Committee, about matters concerning intellectual property management and technology transfer (such as the distribution of equity shares in spin-out companies amongst inventors, the University, and investors);

(d) the provision of advice to the Vice-Chancellor to assist his or her role in the arbitration of disagreements between inventors over revenue-sharing arrangements;

(e) the giving of advice to the Director of Research Services and the Managing Director of Oxford University Innovation on specific proposals for the exploitation of the University’s intellectual property through sponsored research or licence agreements [1], bearing in mind the need to balance commercial considerations with academic and other concerns;

(f) the referral of matters associated with the management of intellectual property, as appropriate, to the Committee on Conflict of Interest, in particular to ensure that risks are minimised (for example in connection with the acceptance of research sponsorship from spin-out companies in which the principal investigator has an equity interest);

(g) contribute to, and provide advice on University responses to Government on national initiatives pertaining to intellectual property, technology transfer or related issues;

(h) providing guidance and advice to the relevant University bodies on education and training matters relating to intellectual property and technology transfer;

(i) in addition, IPAG may report to GPC on matters pertaining to the University’s intellectual property that fall within GPC’s remit.


[1] The reference to sponsored research or licence agreements serves to differentiate (f) from (e)


Members and attending officers

Name Position

Professor Patrick Grant, ex officio

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research), Chair

Professor Chas Bountra, ex officio Pro-Vice Chancellor (Innovation), Deputy Chair

Dr Mairi Gibbs, ex officio

Chief Executive Officer of Oxford University Innovation

Gillian Aitken, ex officio Registrar

Dr Stephen Conway, ex officio

Executive Director of Research Services

Simon Boddie, ex officio

Director of Finance

Geoff Lees, ex officio Head of IP, Data and Research Legal Team
Chris Morrison     Representative from GLAM


One academic representative from the Humanities Division

Professor Robert Burrell, St Peter's College, Faculty of Law

Professor Dev Gangjee, Faculty of Law

Two academic representatives from the Social Sciences Division

Professor Andrew Carr, Worcester College, NDORMS


Two academic representatives from the Medical Sciences Division

Professor Constantin Coussios, Magdalen, Engineering

Professor Niki Trigoni, Computer Science

Two academic representatives from the MPLS Division

Vacancy Student representative
Associate Professor Anita Milicic, NDM, Oxford Research Staff Society Research staff representative, one of three co-opted Members

Carolyn McKee,  Head of Commercial Strategy and Risk, Medical Sciences Division 

Professor Dermot O’Hare, Balliol College, Chemistry 

Co-opted members

Jaci Barnett, Chief of Operations, Oxford University Innovation

Dr Olga Kozlova, Director, Innovation and Engagement, Research Services

Lucy Booth, Head of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Engagement, Research Services

Officers in attendance


Secretary: Dr Andrew Dodd, Innovation and Engagement, Research Services